Why Choose Us

We work hard to make sure you don’t have to!  Fun Services provides all of the tools and resources your group will need to run a successful program.  We provide all of your promotional materials, supply you with plenty of gifts and even restock your school when you run low and need more.  And, because we are right here in North Carolina, you can rest assured that your reorders will be delivered as quickly as possible.

Fun Services is proud to Sponsor Toys For Tots!

Across the nation and right here in North Carolina there are children in need. When you partner with us for your Holiday Gift Shop or Santa's Secret Shop, you are helping us donate toys to Toys For Tots. Fun Services has been able to contribute over $500,000 nationally over the last four years in toys & gifts, and we hope to continue to grow that number this year beyond!

Spread Joy and let your students see it.

Specially marked items will signal to your students which items are Toys For Tots gifts for the year. When a student purchases one of these items, Fun Services will donate one (or similar item) to Toys For Tots. We are proud to be National Sponsors, but even more excited to donate thousands of items each year right here in North Carolina!


Here are some of the items included:

  • Full color bilingual parent letters
  • Promotional posters
  • Self-sealing gift bags
  • Shopping bags
  • Table covers
  • Colorful door panel
  • Detailed Success Manual
  • Scanning point of sale system*
  • Money Envelopes
  • Reminder Stickers

*Scanning point of sale systems are available on a first come, first serve basis.  Please register early.

We dare you to compare!

There are many advantages of working with a local company.  Some of which include; express reorders, local college items, local professional sports team items and more.  The one we are most proud of is us.  Our employees!  By working with Fun Services you are supporting local families and our communities.  When you partner with us you will have direct access to the owners and you will see our employees at your deliveries.  Thank you for taking the time to compare what it means to support local.